1Studies on age and growth of fish populations have direct application in fisheries and contribute for policies of conservation. Our aim was update information on the Micropogonias furnieri growth parameters based on sagittae otoliths annulis readings, and we expected that the studied population from Southeast Brazil can reach more longevity than the reported in the available literature. We examined 286 individuals between August-2010 and July-2011 from Ubatuba Bay, SP. The Total Length ranged 200-480 mm. The determined growth parameters were: Males, L ∞ =523.4mm, k = 0.05×year -1 , t 0 = -8.78 year; Females L ∞ = 573.5mm, k = 0.06 × year -1 , t 0 = -7.49 year. The MI and % of edge type evidenced the formation of one ring per year during autumn/winter, coinciding with low temperature and low growth rate. These results differed from those reported for the Vazzoler's Population I (summer), and we detected higher longevity (45-48 years) as compared with the recorded in the available information.Keywords: Coastal fishes, Growth parameters, Longevity, Marginal increment, Ubatuba.Estudos de idade e crescimento de peixes têm aplicação direta na biologia pesqueira e contribuem para medidas de conservação.