Abstract. In this work we construct compositions of vector processes of the form S 2β n c 2 L ν (t) , t > 0, ν ∈ 0, 1 2 , β ∈ (0, 1], n ∈ N, whose distribution is related to space-time fractional n-dimensional telegraph equations. We present within a unifying framework the pde connections of n-dimensional isotropic stable processes S 2β n whose random time is represented by the inverse L ν (t), t > 0, of the superposition of independent positively-skewed stable processes,, independent stable subordinators). As special cases for n = 1, ν = ) and the two-dimensional motion at finite velocity with a random time are investigated. For all these processes we present their counterparts as Brownian motion at delayed stabledistributed time.