We survey the basic theory of non-commutative K3 surfaces, with a particular emphasis to the ones arising from cubic fourfolds. We focus on the problem of constructing Bridgeland stability conditions on these categories and we then investigate the geometry of the corresponding moduli spaces of stable objects. We discuss a number of consequences related to cubic fourfolds including new proofs of the Torelli theorem and of the integral Hodge conjecture, the extension of a result of Addington and Thomas and various applications to hyperkähler manifolds.These notes originated from the lecture series by the first author at the school on BirationalFrom the homological point of view, it was observed by Kuznetsov [Kuz10] that the derived category D b (W ) of a cubic fourfold W contains an admissible subcategory K u(W ) which is the right orthogonal of the category generated by the three line bundles O W , O W (H) and O W (2H). We will refer to K u(W ) as the Kuznetsov component of W . The category K u(W ) has the same homological properties of D b (S), for S a K3 surface: it is an indecomposable category with Serre functor which is the shift by 2 and the same Hochschild homology as D b (S). But, for W very general, there cannot be a K3 surface S with an equivalence K u(W ) ∼ = D b (S). This is the reason why we should think of Kuznetsov components as non-commutative K3 surfaces.The study of non-commutative varieties was started more than thirty years ago. Artin and Zhang [AZ84] investigated the case of non-commutative projective spaces (see also the book in preparation [Yek18]). In these notes we will follow closely the approach developed by Kuznetsov [Kuz10] and Huybrechts [Huy17]. One important feature is that the Kuznetzov component comes with a naturally associated lattice H(K u(W ), Z) with a weight-2 Hodge
Non-commutative Calabi-Yau varietiesIn this section, we follow closely the presentation and main results in [Kuz15]; foundational references are also [BO95, BvdB03, Kuz07, Kuz14, Perr18a]. We start with a very short review on semiorthogonal decompositions and exceptional collections in Section 2.1. We then introduce the notion of non-commutative variety in Section 2.2 and study basic facts about Serre functors and Hochschild (co)homology. Finally, in Section 2.3 we sketch the