Systematic measurements on the edge turbulence and turbulent transport have been made by Langmuir probe arrays on TEXTOR under various static Dynamic Ergodic Divertor (DED) configurations. Common features are observed. With the DED, in the ergodic zone the local turbulent flux reverses sign from radially outwards to inwards. The turbulence properties are profoundly modified by energy redistribution in frequency spectra and suppression of large scale eddies. The fluctuation poloidal phase velocity changes direction from electron to ion diamagnetic drift, consistent with the observed reversal of the E r B flow. In the laminar region, the turbulence is found to react to an observed reduced flow shear. [4] have demonstrated that an ergodized magnetic boundary can be effective to optimize the plasma-wall interaction. Meanwhile, the local effects of the magnetic ergodization on edge turbulence and turbulent cross-field transport have also been studied both experimentally [1,5,6] and theoretically [7,8]. It has been observed on TEXT [1] and Tore Supra [2,5,6] that in the ergodic divertor (ED) configuration the edge density fluctuations are decreased whereas the turbulent cross-field diffusivity is less affected. However, a systematic investigation of the turbulence properties, such as frequency and wave-number spectra and the fluctuation propagations, has not been made or was done for a reduced set of wavenumber values [5]. A distinct description in the ergodic and laminar zones was also not given.Recently, on the tokamak TEXTOR the Dynamic Ergodic Divertor (DED) [4] has been installed at the high-field side of the torus (R=a 1:75=0:47 m), contrary to other machines where the ED coils were mounted at the low-field side [1][2][3]. The DED consists of 16 perturbation coils oriented parallel to the field lines on the magnetic flux surface with a safety factor q 3. With different current distributions in the coils, the base poloidal/toroidal modes, m=n, can be adjusted as 12=4, 6=2, and 3=1. The penetration depth into the plasma depends on m: In 12=4 the influence is restricted to the plasma boundary, while in 3=1 it can reach much deeper. In the outer plasma layer, DED induces stochastization of the magnetic field lines, including an ergodic zone with long and a laminar zone with short connection lengths to the wall [9]. In this Letter, we present the first systematic measurements by Langmuir probe arrays on the edge turbulence properties and fluctuation-driven transport in the presence of various static DED configurations (dc current on the coils).To get effective impacts of the DED at the plasma boundary, the discharge conditions have been optimized as follows: For m=n 12=4, I p 250 kA, B T 1:4 T, R=a 1:73=0:46 m, dc DED current I DED 12 kA; for 6=2, I p 270 kA, B T 1:9 T, R=a 1:73=0:46 m, I DED 6 kA; and for 3=1, I p 250 kA, B T 1:9 T, R=a 1:75=0:48 m, I DED 1 kA. The I DED is applied during the stationary phase of the Ohmic discharge. In all cases, no external tearing modes are excited, the lineaveraged plasma densit...