Let M = S n /Γ and h be a nontrivial element of finite order p in π 1 (M ), where the integer n ≥ 2, Γ is a finite group which acts freely and isometrically on the n-sphere and therefore M is diffeomorphic to a compact space form. In this paper, we establish first the resonance identity for non-contractible homologically visible minimal closed geodesics of the class [h] on every Finsler compact space form (M, F ) when there exist only finitely many distinct non-contractible closed geodesics of the class [h] on (M, F ). Then as an application of this resonance identity, we prove the existence of at least two distinct non-contractible closed geodesics of the class [h] on (M, F ) with a bumpy Finsler metric, which improves a result of Taimanov in [39] by removing some additional conditions. Also our results extend the resonance identity and multiplicity results on RP n in [25] to general compact space forms.