It is commonly believed that the exceptional sensitivity of mammalian hearing depends on outer hair cells which generate forces for amplifying sound-induced basilar membrane vibrations, yet how cellular forces amplify vibrations is poorly understood. In this study, by measuring subnanometer vibrations directly from the reticular lamina at the apical ends of outer hair cells and from the basilar membrane using a custom-built heterodyne low-coherence interferometer, we demonstrate in living mouse cochleae that the soundinduced reticular lamina vibration is substantially larger than the basilar membrane vibration not only at the best frequency but surprisingly also at low frequencies. The phase relation of reticular lamina to basilar membrane vibration changes with frequency by up to 180 degrees from ∼135 degrees at low frequencies to ∼-45 degrees at the best frequency. The magnitude and phase differences between reticular lamina and basilar membrane vibrations are absent in postmortem cochleae. These results indicate that outer hair cells do not amplify the basilar membrane vibration directly through a local feedback as commonly expected; instead, they actively vibrate the reticular lamina over a broad frequency range. The outer hair cell-driven reticular lamina vibration collaboratively interacts with the basilar membrane traveling wave primarily through the cochlear fluid, which boosts peak responses at the best-frequency location and consequently enhances hearing sensitivity and frequency selectivity.cochlea | outer hair cells | hearing | cochlear amplifier | interferometry A s the auditory sensory organ, the mammalian cochlea is able to detect soft sounds at levels as low as ∼20 μPa, equivalent to eardrum vibrations of <1-pm displacement (1), which is >100-fold smaller than the diameter of a hydrogen atom. The cochlea's remarkable sensitivity is commonly attributed to a micromechanical feedback system, which amplifies soft sounds using forces generated by outer hair cells (2-10). In addition to active bundle movements (2), mammalian outer hair cells are capable of changing their lengths in response to electrical stimulation in vitro (11)(12)(13)(14). This electromechanical force production is termed outer hair cell electromotility or somatic motility, which is produced by the membrane protein, prestin (15). Transgenic mice without prestin or with altered prestin suffer from severe hearing loss (4, 16). Targeted inactivation of prestin over well-defined cochlear segments dramatically reduces the traveling wave's peak response (17). Recent micromechanical measurements in sensitive living mouse cochleae showed (18) that electrical stimulation of outer hair cells induces vigorous vibrations of the reticular lamina at the apical surfaces of the outer hair cells. Whereas this experiment demonstrates that outer hair cells are capable of generating substantial forces to vibrate cochlear microstructures in vivo, the lack of frequency selectivity of the electrically induced reticular lamina vibration, however, is incons...