Abstract. The three-dimensional structure of turbulence in the edge (inside the last closed flux surface) of the WEGA stellarator is studied focussing on the parallel dynamics. WEGA as a small stellarator with moderate plasma parameters offers the opportunity to study turbulence with Langmuir probes providing high spatial and temporal resolution. Multiple probes with radial, poloidal and toroidal resolution are used to measure density fluctuations. Correlation analysis is used to reconstruct a 3D picture of turbulent structures. We find that these structures originate predominantly on the low field side and have a three-dimensional character with a finite averaged parallel wavenumber. The ratio between parallel and perpendicular wavenumber component is in the order of 10 −2 . The parallel dynamics are compared at magnetic inductions of 57 mT and 500 mT. At 500 mT, the parallel wavelength is in the order of the field line connection length 2πR/ῑ. A frequency resolved measure of k /k θ shows a constant ratio in this case. At 57 mT the observed k is much smaller than at 500 mT. However, the observed small average value is due to an averaging over positive and negative components pointing parallel and antiparallel to the magnetic field vector.