Soluble Mn(III)–L complexes appear to constitute a substantial portion of manganese (Mn) in many environments and serve as critical high-potential species for biogeochemical processes. However, the inherent reactivity and lability of these complexes—the same chemical characteristics that make them uniquely important in biogeochemistry—also make them incredibly difficult to measure. Here we present experimental results demonstrating the limits of common analytical methods used to quantify these complexes. The leucoberbelin-blue method is extremely useful for detecting many high-valent Mn species, but it is incompatible with the subset of Mn(III) complexes that rapidly decompose under low-pH conditions—a methodological requirement for the assay. The Cd-porphyrin method works well for measuring Mn(II) species, but it does not work for measuring Mn(III) species, because additional chemistry occurs that is inconsistent with the proposed reaction mechanism. In both cases, the behavior of Mn(III) species in these methods ultimately stems from inter- and intramolecular redox chemistry that curtails the use of these approaches as a reflection of ligand-binding strength. With growing appreciation for the importance of high-valent Mn species and their cycling in the environment, these results underscore the need for additional method development to enable quantifying such species rapidly and accurately in nature.