Abstract. Let F be a totally real number field, p a rational prime, and χ a finite order totally odd abelian character of Gal(F /F ) such that χ(p) = 1 for some p|p. Motivated by a conjecture of Stark, Gross conjectured a relation between the derivative of the p-adic L-function associated to χ at its exceptional zero and the p-adic logarithm of a p-unit in the χ component of F × χ . In a recent work, Dasgupta, Darmon, and Pollack have proven this conjecture assuming two conditions: that Leopoldt's conjecture holds for F and p, and that if there is only one prime of F lying above p, a certain relation holds between the L -invariants of χ and χ −1 . The main result of this paper removes both of these conditions, thus giving an unconditional proof of the conjecture.