The purpose of this study is to investigate the Academic Word Lists (AWL) as a mode in language and learning. The data source of this study were the English manuscript of SBMPTN tests for the last five years (2013 -2017). Then, the data were analyzed by using AntWord Profiler 1.4.0w to find out the Academic Word Lists and using AntConc.exe to figure out the concordance of the Academic Word Lists appeared, respectively. The finding of this study presented the percent token of Academic Word Lists in each year. Furthermore, this study also found the words which are frequently existed in English Manuscript of SBMPTN tests for the last five years. By recognizing the Academic Word Lists appeared, this study is expected to assist graduated students who prepare their English comprehension in order to get the best result in SBMPTN test.Keywords: Academic Word Lists; corpus; SBMPTN
IntroductionThe competition in educational field is increasingly strict. Every student tries to compete each other in order to be able to get in to best school or college as they dreamt about, especially for grade twelve of senior high school students. They only have time which is less than a year to prepare all the materials needed for competing with their peers in the SBMPTN test. Cited from, SBMPTN (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) is a selection of new admissions through a written exam or combination of written and skill exam result. The implementation of SBMPTN 2018 consists of Printed Writing Exam (UTBC) and Computer Based Writing Exam (UTBK) which can be followed by graduated students in 2016, 2017, 2018 from secondary school (SMA/MA/SMK) and graduated Package C in 2016Package C in , 2017Package C in , 2018.One of the material tested for English subject in SBMPTN test is reading comprehension. According to Hu and Nation (2000), comprehensive reading is one of the key of successful language learning. SBMPTN test takers are expected to possess a critical mass of English knowledge, including inferring the meanings of the unknown word from context, identifying the argument structure, and distinguishing idiomatic constructions. In order to comprehend the reading passage well, each test takers must understand at least 80% from the reading passage. Most of learners have found difficulties in apprehending the English words which they rarely hear in everyday use. These words included into Academic Word List (AWL).The Academic Word List (AWL) was released in the year 2000 by Averil Coxhead from the school of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The list contains 570 word families which were selected by analyzing a corpus of millions of words from over 400 academic texts. The AWL was developed to provide learners of academic English to target their vocabulary development for all academic disciplines. It was primarily made so that it could be used by teacher as part of a program preparing learners for tertiary level study or used by students working al...