“…Poor social support (37), poverty (38), and childbirth without the presence of relatives (39), history of depression (40), and poor woman autonomy (41) from socio-demographic variables, multi-parity (42), prime-parity (43,44), multiple children at home (45), negative attitude toward to one's pregnancy (22,(46)(47)(48)(49), depression during pregnancy (42,50), premarital pregnancy (51,52), miscarriage (53), and prenatal high anxiety(47) from pregnancy and newborn related factors, alcohol use in the husband (54), intimate partner violence (22,55,56), poor husbands education (45), husbands unemployment (46,57), and psychiatric problems in the husband (58) among husband related factors were among the associated factors for the development of postpartum depression. In the context of Ethiopia too, poor marital relation (27,29,32,34,35,59), unplanned pregnancy (21,22,24,27,29,32,34), previous history of depression (21,27,28,34), domestic violence…”