Abstract. The iterated monodromy group of a post-critically finite complex polynomial of degree d ≥ 2 acts naturally on the complete d-ary rooted tree T of preimages of a generic point. This group, as well as its pro-finite completion, act on the boundary of T , which is given by extending the branches to their "ends" at infinity. We show that in most cases, elements that have fixed points on the boundary are rare, in that they belong to a set of Haar measure 0. The exceptions are those polynomials linearly conjugate to multiples of Chebyshev polynomials and a case that remains unresolved, where the polynomial has a non-critical fixed point with many critical pre-images. The proof involves a study of the finite automaton giving generators of the iterated monodromy group, and an application of a martingale convergence theorem. Our result is motivated in part by applications to arithmetic dynamics, where iterated monodromy groups furnish the "geometric part" of certain Galois extensions encoding information about densities of dynamically interesting sets of prime ideals.