The AdS/CFT correspondence relates Wilson loops in N = 4 SYM theory to minimal area surfaces in AdS space. If the loop is a plane curve the minimal surface lives in hyperbolic space H 3 (or equivalently Euclidean AdS 3 space). We argue that finding the area of such extremal surface can be easily done if we solve the following problem: given two real periodic functions V 0,1 (s), V 0,1 (s + 2π) = V 0,1 (s) a third periodic function V 2 (s) is to be found such that all solutions to the equation −∂ 2] for any value of λ. This problem is equivalent to the statement that the monodromy matrix is trivial. It can be restated as that of finding a one complex parameter family of curves X(λ, s) where X(λ = 1, s) is the given shape of the Wilson loop and such that the Schwarzian derivative {X(λ, s), s} is meromorphic in λ with only two simple poles. We present a formula for the area in terms of the functions V 0,1,2 and discuss solutions to these equivalent problems in terms of theta functions. Finally, we also consider the near circular Wilson loop clarifying its integrability properties and rederiving its area using the methods described in this paper.