Science is losing some fixed references shifting from universality to relativity: time and space become space time, the meter is related to the velocity of light and the second is fixed by the ticketing of a Cesium atom. In the case of Gravity, Nature was so friendly to Newton to allow him the writing of the Universal Gravitational Law, that changed the view of the Universe for the last three centuries. However, the way matter generates Gravity was unknown to Newton and the problem is still nowadays ignored by most scientists and remains the ultimate question mark of physics. We paid attention to the ticketing of all existing nuclides and found that the parameters of the neutronproton transformations are so precise, in describing these reactions, that can be considered universal constants. Instead, the emitted neutrino flux Fo is almost constant with a mean value of 6.668E20 neutrino per gram and second over the wide range of all nuclides with some deviation for lighter nuclei. This is the reason why Newton was able to find his Universal Gravitational Law and allows us today to state a relation of this flux with the Gauss constant G on the basis of nuclear properties. Moreover, it explains the mechanism that bodies use for their mutual attraction with a simplification of the three-body problem in celestial bodies computation. We have to remember that Newton model, with a fixed gravitational Gauss constant G, or the equivalent with a fixed neutrino flux Fo, have been used for the determination of the mass of the celestial bodies in motion with the implicit assumption that the gravitational and inertial mass are the same. In this paper we recognize the big difference in composition of the Sun and the gaseous planets compared to the terrestrial ones and show how the relatively small difference of the neutrino flux can change our vision of the Universe.