Neutron-deuteron scattering in the context of "pion-less" Effective Field Theory at very low energies is investigated to next-to-next-to-leading order. Convergence is improved by fitting the two-nucleon contact interactions to the tail of the deuteron wave-function, a procedure known as Z-parameterisation and extended here to the three-nucleon system. The improvement is particularly striking in the doublet-S wave (triton) channel, where better agreement to potential-model calculations and better convergence from order to order in the power counting is achieved for momenta as high as ∼ 120 MeV. Investigating the cut-off dependence of the phase-shifts, one confirms numerically the analytical finding that the first momentum-dependent threebody force enters at N 2 LO. The other partial waves converge also substantially faster. Effective-range parameters of the nd-system are determined, e.g. for the quartet-Swave scattering length a q = [6.35 ± 0.02] fm, which compares favourably both in magnitude and uncertainty with recent high-precision potential-model determinations. Differential cross-sections up to E lab ≈ 15 MeV agree with data.