“…At present, we are aware of just two attempts [28,29] to exploit for that purpose a longstanding but very approximate way of dealing with spinless Salpeter equations. Unfortunately, from our point of view this latter approach is very problematic in (at least) two well-known respects: On the one hand, as a first step towards treatability, the Table 1: Variational upper bounds, in units of the identical mass, m, of the two bound-state constituents, on the binding energies (8) of the low-lying bound states of generic relativistic Hellmann problems (identifying any bound state by radial quantum number n r and orbital angular momentum quantum number ℓ), derived by relying on the trial-space basis (7) and employing, as numerical input values, for the two variational parameters β = 1 and µ = m, for the Yukawa range parameter b = m, and three illustrative combinations of the coupling strengths: κ = υ = The pseudo-spinless-Salpeter Hamiltonian emerging from such mistreatment, however, can be shown [6] to be an operator unbounded from below for all interaction potentials that are not too singular at the spatial origin, including all generalized Hellmann potentials. On the other hand, as a second step, the formulation of an equation of Schrödinger type is enforced by reinsertion of that eigenvalue equation of the pseudo-spinless-Salpeter Hamiltonian that holds for its lower-order truncation.…”