On the web it is very frequently found that good papers are published only in “Peer Reviewed Trusted Journals (PRTJ)”, while low quality papers are published in the “Predatory Publishing Journals”. Here we show that this is not true, because the quality of papers depends on the quality of the authors in the same manner that quality of teaching depends on the quality of professors. Since generally the authors are professors it is important to see the two sides of the “publishing medal”: authors and professors. We will use the SPQR Principle [«Semper Paratus ad Qualitatem et Rationem (¢¢Always Ready for Quality and Rationality¢¢)»] as the way to analyse papers, books and teaching; it seems that very few people have taken care of Quality of Methods (Deming, Juran, Gell-Mann, Shewhart, Einstein, Galilei). The cases analysed here are from PRT Journals and teaching documents.