The well-known Chiral and Gauge SUSY Actions realize the SUSY charge in terms of transformations among the Fields. These transformations are included in the Master Equation by coupling them to Sources. Here we show that there are new local SUSY Actions where the Chiral SUSY transformations are realized in terms of transformations among both Fields and Sources. These Actions can be easily obtained from the Chiral case by a very simple and local 'Exchange Transformation', which carries along all the interactions without difficulty. For these new SUSY Actions, the SUSY charge does not exist in the relevant sector, because Sources do not satisfy Equations of Motion.Nevertheless, the 'Exchange Transformation' ensures that the new Master Equation is true for the new Action. As a consequence, the Master Equation also is true for the new 1PI Generating Functional. This implies that a 'Suppressed SUSY Charge' version of SUSY is still present. SUSY certainly becomes more obscure and less constrained in this case. But it is still very restrictive. * using some of the methods in [24,25]. All of that work was based on the Master Equation formulation of symmetries [26,27,28,29,30,31].From the beginning of research into SUSY, it has been noticed by many authors that SUSY seems to hint at solutions to various problems. But these hints then turn to disappointment, because the effort to remove the mass degeneracy of the supermultiplets, using spontaneous SUSY breaking, tends to spoil the nice properties of the theory [32]. This has led some authors to wonder whether the mass degeneracy of SUSY can be removed, even when SUSY itself is not really spontaneously (or explicitly) broken at all [33].The theory presented here shows how the mass degeneracy can be removed for Chiral Multiplets, without spontaneous or explicit breaking of SUSY. The result is a sort of compromise between the usual SUSY theories that have a conserved SUSY charge, and theories which have no SUSY at all. We use an Exchange Transformation 2 to change the original normal SUSY theory to a theory with a non-conserved, but still very relevant, SUSY charge. The new theory satisfies a Master Equation that is very similar to the Master Equation of the parent SUSY theory. The method here does not apply to SUSY Gauge theory so as to remove its SUSY charge. But the presence of SUSY Gauge theory is not a problem for the method.