REPORT DOCUNENTATION PAGEForm Approved OMB Ab. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimatedto average I hourper response, includingthe time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathenngand maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection ofinfonmation. Send conmments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection ofinformation, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services Directorate (AFB). Most of the PECR is located in Sumter County's Manchester Township, with the southern end extending into Fulton, and the eastern edge crossing over into Privateer. The three sites under examination are from north to south, 38SU58, 38SU222, and 38SU191. All three sites were recorded as containing potentially eligible prehistoric components. The testing phase was performed in order to determine the nature and significance of these sites as well as to gather information, which would facilitate the responsible management of these resources. Methods used to evaluate the sites included close interval shovel testing and test unit excavations at locations where artifact concentrations indicated the possible presence of intact cultural components or artifact clusters.Phase II testing at 38SU58 did not suggest a high potential for future research. Only small portions of site components remain intact, while the majority of the site is contained within the disturbed transmission-line corridor. As such, 38SU58 is recommended ineligible for nomination to the NRHP. On the other hand, Phase II testing at 38SU191 and 38SU222 revealed significant intact prehistoric components dating from the Early Archaic, Middle/Late Woodland, and Mississippian cultural periods. These sites were evaluated as eligible for nomination to the National Register according to their potential contributions to chronology building and phase definition, site structural and functional reconstruction, and settlement and subsistence reconstruction research domains previously identified for prehistoric archaeology at the PECR (Cable and Cantley 1998).Phase I archaeological survey of three selected tracts within Show Air Force Base resulted in the revisit/relocation of 38SU250 and the identification of one new site (38SU299). 38SU299 is a small floodplain site situated on the northern bank of Long Branch. The presence of a possible midden feature and diagnostic lithic and ceramic material dating to the Middle Woodland and Mississippian cultural periods indicates good research potential. 38SU299 is therefore recommended potentially eligible for nomination to the NHRP.Investigations at previously recorded site 38SU250 consisted of a surface survey over a 60 x 60 meter area of exposed ground surface. Although limited, the artifact collection identified Deptford (Middle Woodland) and Santee (Late Woodland/ Mississippian) series sherds, lithic debitage and a single Sykes/White Springs Stemmed projectile point/knife (PPK) (Middle/Late Archaic)....