The Kupferschiefer (T1) re cords a pe riod of ba sin-wide euxinic con di tions, and is thus con sid ered an ex cel lent time-marker in the Zechstein (Lopingian) ba sin. Pre vi ous stud ies in di cated that both the Kupferschiefer and Marl Slate and the over ly ing Zechstein Limestone (Magnesian Lime stone) show re mark able changes in car bon iso to pic com po si tion to wards higher 13 C carb val ues. We have ex amined the Kupferschiefer of the Zdrada IG 8 bore hole that has re cently been stud ied in de tail by Pašava et al. (2010) aim ing to use the car bon iso tope data from the basal Zechstein for strati graphic cor re la tion of the Zechstein ba sin with the global iso to pic curve for Late Perm ian. The d 13 C val ues in the Zdrada IG 8 change from +0.7‰ at the Kupferschiefer base to +5.4‰ in its mid dle part, then de crease to +1.7‰ at the Kupferschiefer top and next rap idly in crease to +3.5‰ (in the low est part of the Zechstein Lime stone) and fi nally to +5.1‰ (0.5 m above). This in creas ing trend con tin ues into the Zechstein Lime stone; all sub se quent Zechstein ma rine car bon ates show highly pos i tive d 13 C val ues. The d 13 C curve that best shows the Zechstein base may lie near a se quence bound ary in the up per Guadalupian of South China that post dates the mid-Guadalupian ex tinc tion, but the early Wuchiapingian cono donts re ported from the basal Zechstein de pos its else where ex clude such an in ter pre ta tion. The in crease re corded in the in ter val from the Kupferschiefer to the Main Do lo mite fits well the in crease of the d 13 C val ues ob served af ter Iso tope Event 0 (some 258 Ma) of the iso to pic curve for the Late Perm ian, al though the in crease in the Zdrada IG 8 is clearly more sig nif i cant than that of the global d 13 C curve. In turn, the sub se quent slight fall that ac cel erated af ter Iso tope Event 1 fits the more sig nif i cant fall in the Platy Do lo mite. Re search In sti tute, Rakowiecka 4, Po land,; Tomasz Durakiewicz, Los Alamos Na tional Lab o ra tory, Los Alamos, NM87545, USA, Maciej J. Kotarba, Fac ulty
Tadeusz M. Peryt and S³awomir Oszczepalski, Pol ish Geo log i cal In sti tute -Na tional
of Ge ol ogy, Geo physics and En vi ron men tal Pro tec tion, AGH Uni ver sity of Sci ence and Tech nol ogy,