Exotic optical properties in materials are investigated as a consequence of noncommutative geometry (NCG) originated from deformed Heisenberg algebra. The NCG leads to modified eletromagnetism and then changes the constitutive relations that allow the determination of refractive index and impedance of the medium for different materials. Considering different situations where permittivity and permeability are obtained depending on NCG parameters, in dielectric, nonmagnetic, and magnetic cases, exotic conditions associated with metamaterial properties are obtained as the presence of negative index refraction under a generalized susceptibility depending on NCG. These results show that a class of optical metamaterials can be modeled based on NCG depending on noncommutative parameters.realized later that the noncommutative geometry (NCG) could be a scheme to extend the SM in several forms. [8,9] In particular, it appears naturally in string theories [10,11] leading to effective theories describing SME that recover at low energy limits known physical results from SM.NCG in the presence of a deformed Heisenberg algebra has been considered for corrections in the hydrogen energy spectrum [12][13][14][15][16] and Stark effect. [17] The effects of NCG appearing in low energy scenarios are consequences of the generalized terms that do not appear in SM. [18][19][20][21][22] As such, it implies contributions in modified electromagnetism resulting in exotic electromagnetic properties.Here we investigate the exotic optical properties in the material response as a consequence of the modified electromagnetism by NCG. We consider the case of material properties in particular and we take into account permittivity and permeability leading to metamaterial properties as negative index refraction, as a consequence of the dependence on a noncommutative parameter.The structure of this article is as follows: In Section 2, we revise NCG of the modified Heisenberg algebra; in Section 3, we discuss NCG and modified Maxwell equations; in Section 4, we discuss metamaterials from NCG-modified Maxwell equations; and in Section 5, we make our concluding remarks.