In solving the problem of the stress-strain state in the vicinity of a working, the rock mass is usually simulated by two identical uniform isotropic half-planes adjoining the seam as a uniform isotropic band [1][2][3][4][5][6]. However, in a real rock mass, on the one hand the seam has nonuniform thickness and natural variable elastic parametees [E(x, y), v(x, y)], and on the other hand the adjoining rocks are markedly nonuniform. Generally speaking, this nonuniformity is intensified by the failure to take full account of the bulk forces, which increase with depth (most investigators examine a plane with forces at infinity, equal to the stresses in an tmdisturbed rock mass in the center of a future working). During extraction of the useful minerals, the physical characteristics of the rock mass must be optimally varied. Thus measures to prevent shock bumps and rock bursts are aimed at changing the mechanical characteristics of the seam in the locaI region [7]. It is therefore of interest to investigate the effect of the above factors on the stress-strain state of a rock mass. Our paper deals with this effect in terms of the variable elastic constants of a rock mass.As in our previous communication [6], the rock mass is modeled by the system seam-rock, but here we assume that EB, v B and E H, v H are different elastic constants of the upper and lower half-planes adjoining a seam of thickness 2tl with a Young's modulus E = E(x. y).The elastic constants of the upper and lower half-planes are different, but in view of the fact that, in accordance with the model in [6], the seam receives only a normal load and is regarded as a uniform elastic layer, p (x) at the contacts y = 0 and y = 2h will be the same. Therefore, the functions r and ~(z) [6], characterizing the stress-strain state of the upper and lower half-planes, have the same form, and the ratio of the displacements of the half-plane boundaries isAs a result of deformation of the seam by forces p(x), different points in it undergo corresponding displacements. Selecting the same system of coordinates as in [6], the coordinate of the inner points of the seam in which the displacements v = 0 will be called y0(x) (in the particular case of a rigid upper or lower half-plane we get Y0 = 2h and Y0 = 0, respectively). Hence by Eq. (1) we get V~ --V~ -=--Vn(1 + k).However,Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk.