SOMMARIO. SBO and SBLOCA .................................. 48 Results of the analysis ......................................................... 49 Decay heat power ................................................................ 49 Hot rod temperature............................................................. 55 Analysis of the results .......................................................... 57 Conclusion ........................................................................... distribution..................... 59 Model and calculation cases................................................ 60 Evaluation of the cell probability .......................................... 61
LIST OF SYMBOLS U (1979) with 1973 ...................................................................................................... 70 Fig. 55 -LARGE reactor sin, 100 s, produced and absorbed power versus height fine model....................................................................................................... 70 Fig. 56 -CHF comparison, 7 MPa (RELAP5/Mod 2)............................................. 73 Fig. 57 -CHF Comparison 3 MPa (RELAP5/Mod2) .............................................. 73 Fig. 58 -LOFT: core cross flow model................................................................... 76 Fig. 59 -LOFT: core temperature .......................................................................... 76 Fig. 60 -LOFT: core mass flow ............................................................................. 77 Fig. 61 -PWR-1000: core cross flow model .......................................................... 78 Fig. 62 -PWR-1000: core temperature comparison.............................................. 79 Fig. 63 -PWR-1000 ...................................... 136 Fig. A.11 -Schematic processes in the Swedish reactor licensing program....... 137 Fig. A.12 -Schematic of steps in the Swedish reactor licensing program .......... 138 Fig. A.13 -VVER 1000, Steady State: Up and SGs (1 to 4) pressure ................ 143 Fig. A.14 -VVER 1000, Steady State: Core inlet mass flowrate......................... 144 Fig. A.15 -VVER 1000, Steady State: Core and SG exchanged power ............. 144 Fig. A.16 -VVER 1000 1 (up to 11000s)........ 160 Fig. A.44 -Pressure in the upper plenum in the transient 2 (up to 8000s).......... 160 Fig. A.45 -Pressure in the upper plenum in the transient 1 (up to 1200s).......... 161 Fig. A.46 -Pressure in the upper plenum in the transient 2 (up to 1200s).......... 161 Fig. A.47 -Model of the LOFT and PWR core..................................................... 163
INTRODUCTIONSafety is an essential part for the peaceful use of nuclear power generation. The safety of nuclear power plants is based on the concept of defence in depth [1], Fig. 1, which indicates successive physical barriers (fuel matrix, cladding, primary system pressure boundary and ...