Due to the increase in the energy intensity of almost all spheres of human activity, the issue of ensuring the safety of electricity supply is becoming more and more paramount. The main feature of the transmission of electricity in the conditions of the Russian Federation is a significant distance from its source to the end consumer. Throughout the entire section of the transmission line, the elements of the electric power network are affected by a huge number of factors that are completely heterogeneous in nature, among which hydrometeorological factors stand out, which are especially significant due to the territorial location and size of Russia. It becomes obvious that it is necessary to develop a system that allows you to respond in a timely manner to electric power failure threats and eliminate them. Among the known systems engineering methods, the most suitable for these purposes is the synthesis-based approach, the main advantage of which is the ability to initially set the required system performance indicator, which, under conditions of uncertainty, will allow achieving the required activity goal. In the course of the study, a synthesis of the electric power supply safety ensuring system of a region (EPSSESR) was carried out on the basis of a system-forming factor -a model of human de-
Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20-38-90225.