We would like to thank Li et al 1 for their interest in our work. 2 In their Letter to the Editor, they summarized our most important findings and raised a possible concern to our work. Reply below is our responses for their concerns.From traditional the aspect of pathology, the histopathological stage is the currently widely used for analysis, but we hope to create a newly classification to predict the prognosis of glioblastoma. Because the pathological stage is subjective, there still consist of bias for the prognosis. If we classify from the gene expression, the amount of the expression will be objective and provide more corrective prediction. From the database of website and the result of our research, NLRP12 is the poor prognosis marker, 3,4 thus we analysis high and low expression of this gene through Cox regression model will be property as a target to predict the survival of glioblastoma patents.We would like to thank Li et al again and hope that our responses could be of help.