Knowledge on the extent and mechanisms of fish damage caused by hydropower facilities is important for their ecological improvement. Herein, a novel field-based fish injury assessment protocol is proposed that includes vitality and four general health criteria, as well as nine lethal and sub-lethal injury types across 18 body parts. The protocol was validated using 3,087 specimens from four species of hatchery-reared fish, as well as 2,262 specimens from 32 species of wild fish. The protocol allowed a detailed and systematic evaluation of different fish injury types in the field. Injuries related to handling and to contact with different parts of the hydropower structure could be distinguished applying multivariate statistics. This approach allows quantification and comparison of fish injuries across sites, and can help to identify the technologies and operational procedures that minimise damage to fish. It may also be useful to assess fish health in other contexts including aquaculture.
K E Y W O R D Sanimal welfare, fish conservation, fish mortality, fish passage, hydropower monitoring
| INTRODUCTIONHydropower technology is considered a clean and renewable energy source of increasing worldwide importance (Zarfl, Lumsdon, Berlekamp, Tydecks & Tockner, 2015). Hydropower is generated by converting the kinetic and potential energy from falling water into rotating shaft power, which can be used to drive an electricity generator (Paish, 2002). Unfortunately, downstream moving fish often enter the hydropower structure where they are exposed to extreme risks of harm (Williams, Armstrong, Katopodis, Larinier & Travade, 2012).Various physical mechanisms can result in various forms of fish damage, including collisions with the machinery (Killgore, Maynord, Chan & Morgan, 2001), bar screens or cleaning devices (Adam & Brujis, 2006;Nettles & Gloss, 1987;Skalski, Mathur & Heisey, 2002), shear stress near the turbine blades, in the draft tube and in the tailrace (Čada, Garrison & Fisher, 2007), barotrauma caused by pressure changes , cavitation forces within the runner case, turbulences and fluid shear within the suction hose as well as in the tailrace (Abernethy, Amidan & Čada, 2001). Resulting injuries include scale loss, fin damage, haemorrhages, bruises, skin wounds, amputations of body parts or internal injuries, such as swim bladder rupture and emboli (Dedual, 2007;Ebel, 2013;Schneider, Hübner & Korte, 2012). As movement and migration are obligatory elements in the life cycle of many fishes (Lucas, Baras, Thom, Duncan & Slavík, 2001), the injuries and mortalities resulting from passage through turbines are still a major drawback of hydroelectric energy (Hogan, Čada & Amaral, 2014).The severity of the impact of power plant passage is dependent on technical characteristics such as the rotation speed of the turbine, turbine diameter, number of turbine blades, blade angle and the drop height, which determine the degree of pressure changes, shear stress, cavitation and the collision risk for fish (Ferguson, Ploskey,...