The two T73-allyl complexes {(CO)3Co[(CH2)2CCH2]j2 and |(CO)3Co[(CH2)2CCH2](2CO have been prepared by reaction of (chloromethyl)allyl chloride and NaCo(CO)4 in refluxing THF. Both species are formed during this reaction and may be converted to the trimethyl phosphite derivatives by replacement of one CO ligand per Co atom. The structures of |(CO)3Co[(CH2)2CCH2]|2 and j[(CH30)3P](CO)2Co[(CH2)2CCH2]j2CO have been determined by single-crystal x-ray diffraction techniques with three-dimensional data gathered at -35 °C by counter methods. Bulky yellow crystals of ((CO)3Co[(CH2)2CCH2])2 form in monoclinic space group C2/m, with unit cell constants (at -35 °C) a = 11.570 (3) Á, b = 10.910 (2) Á, c = 6.568 (1) Á, and ß = 99.95 (1)°. The calculated density of 1.583 g cm™3, assuming two molecules of {(CO)3Co[(CH2)2CCH2]}2 per unit cell, agrees with the measured value of 1.57 g cm™3. |[(CH30)3P](CO)2Co[(C-H2)2CCH2]}2CO crystallizes as thin yellow prisms in orthorhombic space group P2{2{2, with unit cell constants (at -35 °C) a = 19.688 (4), b = 20.843 (10), and c = 6.532 (2) Á. The calculated density of 1.528 g cm™3 for four molecules of phosphite complex per unit cell agrees with the measured value of 1.50 g cm™3. Full-matrix least-squares refinements of the structures have converged with R indices (on |E|) of 0.021 and 0.062 for the j(CO)3Co[(CH2)2CCH2]j2 and j[(CH30)3P](CO)2Co[(CH2)2CCH2]j2CO complexes, respectively, using the 1168 and 2134 symmetry-independent reflections with /" > 2.0 (/0). Molecules of ¡(CO)3Co[(CH2)2CCH2]|2 possess rigorous Cy, symmetry and display the significant differences in Co-C(carbonyl) distances which have previously been attributed to the nature of the Co-t;3-allyl interaction. Although molecules of |[(CH30)3P](CO)2Co[(CH2)2CCH2]|2CO have no rigorous crystallographic symmetry, they do exhibit approximate-C2 symmetry. In addition to the Co-C(carbonyl) bond asymmetry noted in |(CO)3Co[(CH2)2CCH2]|2, the substitution of P(OCH3)3 for CO has produced differences in the Co-C(allyl, terminal) bond lengths of |[(CH30)3-P] (CO)2Co[(CH2)2CCH2] |2CO.