8Mass-transport complexes (MTCs) dominate the stratigraphic record of many salt-influenced 9 sedimentary basins. Commonly in such settings, halokinesis is invoked as a primary trigger for 10 MTC emplacement, although the link between specific phases of salt movement, and related 11 minibasin dynamics, remains unclear. Here, we use high-quality 3D seismic reflection and well 12 data to constrain the composition, geometry, and distribution (in time and space) of six MTCs 13 preserved in a salt-confined, supra-canopy minibasin in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and to 14 assess how their emplacement relate to regional and local controls. We define three main 15 tectono-sedimentary phases in the development of the minibasin: (1) initial minibasin 16 subsidence and passive diapirism, during which time deposition was dominated by relatively 17 large-volume MTCs (c. 25 km 3 ) derived from the shelf-edge or upper slope; (2) minibasin 18 margin uplift and steepening, during which time small-volume MTCs (c. 20 km 3 ) derived from 19 the shelf-edge or upper slope were emplaced; and (3) active diapirism, during which time very 20 small volume MTCs (c. 1 km 3 ) were emplaced, locally derived from the diapir flanks or roofs. 21 We present a generic model that emphasises the dynamic nature of minibasin evolution, and 22 how MTC emplacement relates to halokinetic sequence development. Although based on a 23 single data-rich case study, our model may be applicable to other MTC-rich, salt-influenced 24 sedimentary basins. 25 Keywords: MTCs, salt mini-basins evolution, Gulf of Mexico. 26 54 distal depocentres; (iii) erosion, and ultimately undermining and failure of the depocentre 55 margins in response to the passage of near-bed currents (i.e. contour currents); (iv) failure of 56 contourite bodies; (iv) fluid migration and the generation of elevated pore pressures in 57 discrete sub-surface layers; this can reduce the vertical effective stress, thereby affecting 58 slope stability and potentially triggering slope failure; and (v) gas hydrate dissociation, which, 59 like pore pressure changes, can reduce sediment strength and trigger slope failure (Canals et 60 al. Kvalstad et al., 2005;Strout and Tjelta, 2005;Masson et al., 2010; Talling et al., 61 2014). 62 Despite being volumetrically important, and although they can represent stratigraphic 63 markers for a range of basin-related processes, MTCs are not explicitly accounted for in 64 stratigraphic models for the salt-influenced slopes. Instead, turbidity current-fed systems 65 dominate in these models, presumably due to their association with reservoir-prone channels 66 and lobes, with the stratigraphic architecture and evolution of minibasins being primarily 67 described by the fill-and-spill model (Prather et al.