Soil C supplies vary spatially within and among riparian wetlands. Understanding this variability is essential to assessments of C-dependent riparian wetland functions such as water quality enhancement and C storage. In this study, we examined the distribution of C with depth across the riparian landscape. Our objectives were to describe the spatial distribution of various C forms in the subsurface of riparian wetlands, and to identify the watershed, landscape, and soil characteristics that govern the distribution of these forms. Twenty-two riparian sites, mapped as alluvial or outwash soils, were examined along fi rst-through fourth-order streams. Soils were described from pits and auger borings along transects established perpendicular to the stream. Roots and buried A horizons represent the majority of C in the subsurface, representing an important source of C for riparian zone functions. Buried A horizons and C-rich lenses, indicative of alluvial soils, were identifi ed in 21 of the 22 sites. Higher order riparian zones tended to have greater quantities of alluvium. Roots were generally distributed to the greatest depths close to the streams where alluvial deposits were thickest. All fi rst-, second-, and thirdorder riparian zones were mapped as outwash soils on county-scale soil surveys. Th ese sites, however, contained predominantly alluvial soils, suggesting that soil surveys at the 1:15,840 scale are inadequate for identifying alluvial soils along lower order streams. To assess the best predictors of alluvium distribution within riparian zones, 11 watershed characteristics were examined. A forward stepwise regression revealed that watershed size and fl oodplain width are two of the most important indicators of the quantity, width, and depth of alluvium, and subsequently subsurface C, within glaciated riparian zones.