We analyze the possibility of quantum delocalization in lithium imide (Li 2 NH) in the condensed phase using ab initio path-integral molecular dynamics. Our results provide evidence that the effective potential felt by the protons in the material has a toroidal shape. The virtually flat potential may lead to quantum delocalization of the NH protons over the torus. SECTION Molecular Structure, Quantum Chemistry, General Theory U nder ambient conditions, most atoms can normally be approximated as point particles, and this approximation yields a good level of accuracy for many properties. However, in the case of hydrogen, nuclear quantum effects can be observable due to its low atomic mass. In some cases, hydrogen has been reported to exhibit quantum properties, such as tunneling and quantum delocalization. 1-5 These effects might also play a role in industrially relevant situations, such as hydrogen storage. 6 Besides this special aspect, understanding the nature of quantum effects of hydrogen in bulk materials is a matter of high fundamental and general relevance.As of today, no production-ready material has been found to meet the required per-weight capacity of hydrogen storage. [6][7][8] In this work, we focus on the particular case of lithium imide (Li 2 NH), which is a promising hydrogen storage system due to its low weight. The lithium imide/amide system can undergo a reversible hydrogenation with high H storage densities (6.5%) via the reaction Li 2 NH þ H 2 S LiNH 2 þ LiH. A lot of research, both computational and experimental, has been done on this system, particularly to understand its structure and phase transition. 9,10 In this context, the elementary steps of the reaction have recently attracted considerable interest. 11 In particular, the possibility of quantum delocalization of the protons over several possible sites has been reported, as a consequence of the relatively flat potential energy landscape in the highly symmetric structure. 12 In our previous publication, 10 we observed that the effect of nuclear quantum delocalization for the hydrogen atoms is considerably reduced compared to a full delocalization of each proton on the six octahedral sites around its nitrogen atom. In the present work, we analyze the potential energy landscape of the protons in the condensed phase by means of ab initio path-integral molecular dynamics simulations (PIMD). 13,14 We show that this surface is surprisingly flat within a torusshaped volume, which might lead to coherent delocalization at low temperatures.We model the initial configuration of the Li 2 NH protons as delocalized particles, which are distributed over six crystallographically symmetric sites, using the setup presented in our previous work. 10 Such a proton configuration is plausible because of the low potential barrier between these sites. 12 As reported previously, 10 the equilibrated structure at 300 K features a somewhat disordered Li lattice. The NH bonds form angles of 30°from a preferred N-N axis 15 (Figure 1, left), and the protons remain in ...