The cubic-to-orthorhombic structural transition occurring in CsH at a pressure of about 17 GPa is studied by ab initio calculations. The relative stability of the competing structures and the transition pressure are correctly predicted. We show that this pressure-induced first-order transition is intimately related to a displacive second-order transition which would occur upon application of a shear strain to the (110) planes. The resulting instability is rationalized in terms of the pressure-induced modifications of the electronic structure. [S0031-9007(97)03462-5] PACS numbers: 64.70. Kb, 62.50. + p, 63.20.Dj, 63.70. + h In recent years the availability of the diamond anvilcell technology [1] has renewed the interest in the highpressure properties of alkali halides which are the simplest and prototypical among ionic solids. In the case of cesium halides, these studies have been carried out especially in the search of band-overlap metallization which occurs at pressures in the Mbar range. In the quest of metallization, unexpected phase transformations to tetragonal and orthorhombic structures have been observed experimentally [2-6] and studied theoretically [6][7][8][9].Metal hydrides are considerably more covalent than the corresponding halides. In fact, transition-metal hydrides are considered to be covalent materials, whereas alkali hydrides are structurally rather similar to the corresponding halides. Alkali hydrides at zero pressure crystallize in the rocksalt (cubic B1) structure, while most of them undergo a transition to the cubic B2 (CsCl-like) structure at an applied pressure of a few GPa [10 -12]. Recently, a second transition from the B2 structure to a new orthorhombic phase has been observed to occur in CsH at an applied pressure of about 17 GPa [13]. The new phase has been assigned the CrB structure which belongs to the D 17 2h space group. In order to assess the driving mechanisms of this transition we have undertaken a series of first-principles calculations of the electronic, structural, elastic, and vibrational properties of CsH as well as of their dependence upon pressure. To this end, we have employed density-functional theory (DFT) within the local-density approximation (LDA) [14], and its gradient-corrected (GC) generalizations [15]. Our calculations have been performed using norm-conserving pseudopotentials [16]. In the case of Cs, 5s and 5p semicore states have been treated as valence states. For LDA calculations we have used the same Cs potential as in Ref.[8], while hydrogen is described by a norm-conserving pseudopotential constructed for the 1s wave function, so as to smoothen it somewhat and make our calculations well converged with the 25 Ry kinetic-energy cutoff which we use. New potentials have been generated for GC calculations. The vibrational properties are determined using the densityfunctional perturbation theory (DFPT) [17].In Table I we report our results for some structural properties of CsH in the three phases studied here: B1, B2, and CrB. The LDA fails to account for...