The article is an overview on network formation theories, their experimental verification and application to more complex systems of industrial importance. Network formation controlled by specific or overall diffusion is also discussed.The development of an understanding of formation-structure-properties relations for polyfunctional systems undergoing crosslinking and branching is much more difficult than for bifunctional systems leading to linear polymers. The degree-of-polymerization distribution becoming very broad when the gel point is approached, the presence of an "infinite" molecule (the gel) beyond the gel point and the limited number of experimental methods for examining the gel structure are among the main reasons. Therefore, realistic network formation theories verified by experiments are of major importance in understanding and predicting these relations. Experiments on model low-functionality systems as well as polyfunctional systems serve as input information for the formulation of a correct and concrete theoretical approach, they also give values of initial parameters controlling the crosslinking reaction. A combination of organic and physical chemistry with branching theory appears to be necessary in order to understand the network formation and structure of real systems.A knowledge of the factors controlling the crosslinking reaction is one of the necessary prerequisites for selection and application of the branching theory. The crosslinking reaction can be controlled by:-Chemical equilibrium or chemical kinetics: The reactivity of functional groups is independent of the size and topology of the