Osmotically shocked Escherichia coli and membrane vesicle ghosts from E. coli cells have lost the ability to accumulate potassium by active transport. The addition of valinomycin to the membrane ghosts restores the capacity to accumulate radioactive 42K and 86Rb by a temperature-and energy-dependent process. Membrane vesicles prepared from mutants of E. coli altered in potassium transport show defects in the valinomycin-stimulated accumulation of 42K that are related to the defects in the intact cells.Valinomycin is a cyclic depsipeptide antibiotic (1, 2) that acts by greatly increasing the permeability of membranes, specifically to potassium ions (3). Membranes whose permeability to potassium is altered by valinomycin include bacterial (3-5), erythrocyte (6-8), mitochondrial (9), and artificial black lipid membranes (10). The change is highly specific: only permeability to potassium and the related alkaline cations rubidium and cesium is affected (7, 10). The membranes remain impermeable to protons, sodium, lithium, and other ions in the presence of valinomycin. Evidence from relatively thick artificial membranes shows that valinomycin acts not by forming channels or pores through which potassium can travel, but by forming one-to-one complexes with K+ ions (8) which can then diffuse across the hydrophobic lipid membranes, with the K+ sheltered from the membrane within the cyclic folds of the valinomycin molecule (2). With mitochondria, at least, valinomycin facilitates the net accumulation of potassium (9) and this finding has led to models of valinomycin as a prototype for natural carriers of potassium in cell membranes. In this paper we present a similar finding with membranes prepared from cells of Escherichia coli-that is, valinomycin-facilitated uptake of potassium in an energy-dependent and apparently concentrative manner.E. coli has a number of advantages in the study of potassium transport because this organism possesses a transport system with high affinity for K (11,12), is able to maintain very large concentration gradients for K (13), and most of all because of the extensive knowledge of the genetics and metabolism of this organism. Lubin (14) first isolated and characterized specific potassium transport mutants in E. coli strain B. Later other potassium mutants were isolated in other E. coli strains (14-18) and Bacillus subtilis (14,19), and a number of mutants of E. coli K-12 with alterations in potassium transport have recently been isolated. A total of eight genes affecting potassium transport have been identified. One set of four closely linked kdp genes ("K+-dependent"; 15) and two other genes (trkA, trkD; "transport of K+") affect primarily uptake of potassium, while mutations in the trkB and trkC genes result in a defect in the retention of potassium (Epstein, in preparation). All these mutational defects appear to be specific for potassium because the mutants are normal in the ability to transport ,3-galactosides and proline (unpublished data). If we are to pursue the model from mit...