The proton magnetic resonance spectra of D-sylose, D-lyxose, n-arabinose, D-ribose, D -~~L I C O S~, n-mannose, and D-galactose were determined a t 100 Mc.p.s. in deuteriu~ri oxide. 'I'he chemical shifts and structures of a number of ring protons in these compounds were determined either by spin-deco~~pling experiments or by synthesis of specifically deuterated compounds. 'I'he proton magnetic resonance parameters are shown to provide considerable information on the conformations and tautonleric equilibria for the sugars in aqueo~ls solution. I t is concluded that, for aldoppranoses in a chair conformation, the chemical shift of equatorial protons a t a given position is virtually independent of configurational changes a t other positions. However, an axial proton is shielded about 0.3 p.p.111. less by an axial hydrosyl group a t a neighboring position than when the hydroxyl group is in an equatorial orientation. An axial hydrosyl group leads to deshielding of a n opposing axial proton b y about 0.35 p.p.m. By using the chemical shifts of the ring protons of @-D-xylopyranose and @ -D -~~u c o~~~~I I o s~ as reference point, the chernical shifts of protons in other pyranose structures could be anticipated to within a useful . .
degree of accuracy.Lvidence was obtained that D-ribose and 2-deoxv-D-ribose esist in aqueous s o l u t i o~~ both in the pyranose and in the furanose forms. None of the other pentoses showed readily detectable anlounts of the furanose forrns a t equilibrium. rllthough D-allose does not give readily detectable alnounts of the furanose forms \vhen a t equilibriunl in aqueous solutions, n-altrose does. D-Talose showed only two forms, one of which was the @-pyranose structure.Lenz and Heeschen (I) examined the nuclear magnetic resonance (n.111.r.) spectra of D-glucose, D-mannose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, and D-xylose with deuterium oxide as solvent. Only the signals of the anomeric protons were readily observed, and the spacings of these signals were used as coupling constants to estiillate conformational features for these sugars in aqueous solution. The observed spacings \\rere undoubtedly strongly influenced by virtual long-range coupling (2, 3) and, therefore, were not a direct measure of the coupling constants involved. Also, it is now evident (4, 5) that the relationship bet~veen the coupling constant and the dihedral angle defined by neighboring protons (the Ixarplus relationship) is subject to parameters other than the dihedral angle. Therefore, attempts to relate the spacings of the doublet signals for the anomeric protons of sugars t o precise molecular geometry are without either a theoretical or an empirical basis. Althougll coupling constants between neighboring protons cannot be used to predict precise conformational features, their use in appropriate instances for establishing configurationa1 features (6) remains unchallenged.Use has also been made of chemical shifts for establishing the configurations of sugars