Flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris crystallizes in the oxidized form as well-formed, tetragonal bipyramids, space group P43212, unit-cell parameters, a = b = 51.6 A, c = 139.6 A, 8 molecules per unit cell.The structure has been determined at 2.5-A resolution with phases based on a single isomorphous derivative. The phase ambiguity of a single derivative was resolved by use of anomalous scattering from the single-site Sm+3.The molecule has a five-strand pleated sheet core with two long helices on either side of the sheet. The flavin mononucleotide lies mostly buried on one side of the molecule, but the methyl groups, one edge of the flavin, and part of the ribityl are exposed at the surface.Originally, the name flavodoxin was given by Knight et al.(1) to a small flavoprotein found in extracts of Clostridium pasteurianum grown in iron-deficient medium. The protein was able to replace ferredoxin as an electron carrier (2, 3).After this discovery, other organisms have been shown to contain a similar flavoprotein: Desulfovibrio gigas (4), Peptostreptococcus elsdenii (5), Desulfovibrio vulgaris (6), Clostridium .vIP (7), Rhodospirillum rubrum (8), Chlorella fusca (9), and Escherichia coli (10).Flavodoxins have been defined as low molecular weight proteins with one flavin mononucleotide prosthetic group per molecule and having the ability to function interchangeably with ferredoxin in photosynthetic NADDP+ reduction (11).In Desulfovibrio, flavodoxin can replace ferredoxin in the reduction of sulfite and other sulfur compounds (4, 12, 13), and in the formation of hydrogen from pyruvate via the phosphoroclastic reaction (14).When thiosulfate is reduced by molecular hydrogen in the presence of Desulfovibrio extracts that have been depleted of flavodoxin, ferredoxin, and etochrome cc3, any one of these three electron carriers can couple the reaction (13,15 Sm+3 than for Yb+3, the Sm3+ derivative was used in this work, and to this point only about 50 mg of the protein has been required.
Data collectionData were collected on a four-circle, computer-controlled diffractometer with a modified version of the control program of Lenhert and Henry (17). Ni-filtered CuKa radiation was used with a focal spot 0.4 X 10 mm and a take-off angle set at 6°. For both the native crystal and the Sm3+-derivative crystal, data were collected in the same way by a five-step w/20 scan across the top of each reflection. Each step was 0.080 in 20.Backgrounds were not measured for the individual reflections. Instead, the background was determined as a function of 20 by collecting counts at many points between reflections and assuming it to be independent of direction in space. The step scan used to collect data and the method of approximating the background was made necessary by the long c axis.Friedel-related reflections were collected by alternately measuring 32 reflections at +20, followed by 32 reflections at -20. The groups were staggered, however, so that the reflections of each Friedel pair were collected 16 reflections apart.