“…The high spatial resolution obtained with this code was important for the detection of short-period acoustic waves (Wunnenberg et al 2002) and inter-network magnetic fields (Domínguez Cerdeña et al 2003a,b), for studies of an enhanced network region observed in Hα , of the structure of polar faculae (Okunev & Kneer 2004), of small-scale solar magnetic flux concentrations (Wiehr et al 2004;Puschmann & Wiehr 2006), as well as for polarimetry of the penumbrae of sunspots (Bello González et al 2005) and of solar pores (Hirzberger et al 2005). After the first solar Adaptive Optical system (Rimmele et al 1998(Rimmele et al , 2000(Rimmele et al , 2003, the German Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) at the Observatorio del Teide (von der Lühe et al 2003), as well as the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) at the Observatorio Roque de los Muchachos (Scharmer et al 2003a,b) have been equipped with AO, which provides a real-time correction of wave front distortions induced by the Earth's atmosphere.…”