The density functional modeling of Rotational Isomeric State (RIS) chains is reviewed. Two cases are considered. First, the freezing of polyethylene is investigated, and the melt and solid densities at the transition are predicted. New results are reported which incorporate the attractive as well as the repulsive contribution of the site-site potential. Good agreement is found with experimental measurements. Second, the structure of a tridecane melt near a hard wall is considered. Both the site density profile and the distortion of the backbone structure are predicted. Good agreement is found with the results of simulation and equation-of-state predictions.
Recently there has been considerable interest in applying density functional (DF) methodology to inhomogeneous polymeric systems [1-18]. Here we focus on the Chandler-McCoy-Singer (CMS) formulation of molecular DF theory [19-21] where bonding constraints are explicitly retained in the "ideal" system. In addition, we restrict ourselves to the case where the homogeneous liquid state input is included through sitesite correlation functions as opposed to being introduced through the equation-of-state. Related work on inhomogeneous polymeric systems is reviewed by McMullen [10], Rosenberg [14], and Yethiraj [18].Ubiquitous to all density functional theories is the expression of a free energy, usually the grand potential, Ω = -PV, as a functional of the inhomogeneous density distribution, p(r), as well as of more traditional variables such as the temperature, T; the volume, V; the chemical potential, μ; and the external field, U(r). Since the chemical potential and the external field conveniently couple as \|/(r) = μ-UCr), the grand potential functional can be denoted as Ω[Τ, V, \|/(r); p(r)j. Of course, because p(r) itself is a functional of Τ, V, and \|/(r), only three of the variables in the brackets are independent and including p(r) in the expression for Ω