Octaborane(12) reacts with acetylene in diethyl ether to give a 65% yield of a mixture of «/¿o-dicarbanonaborane(ll), B7C2Hn, and w'cfo-dicarbadecaborane(12), 802 2( members of the B"C2H"+4 series of carboranes. Boron-11 nmr spectra suggest that B7C2Hn is the first example of a carborane containing an integral -BH2 group. The reaction of B8H12 with 2-butyne in diethyl ether produces B7C2H9(CH3)2 and B8C2Hi0(CH3)2 in 78% yield. Boron-11 and pmr evidence suggests that B7C2H9(CH3)2 differs in structure from B7C2Hn and contains its "extra" hydrogens in two distinct bridging locations. B8C2Hi2 and B8C2H10(CH3)2 appear to be in the decaborane( 14) geometry, carbon atoms occupying the 5,6 positions. One minor product of this reaction is a new 2,3 isomer of closo-B5C2H5(CH3)2. Reactions of B8Hi2 with other acetylenes are mentioned. Reactions of /z-nonaborane( 15) with C2H2 and with 2-butyne are discussed. he members of the B"C2H"+4 series of nido carboranes for n = 43 and = 94 have proven to be precursors to numerous interesting and, in some cases, potentially commercially useful compounds. Pyrolysis of B4C2H8 generates the closo carboranes 1,5-B3C2H5, l,6-B4C2He, and 2,4-B5C2H7,5 the latter of