A composite approach was used for the structure solution and refinement of two new Nowotny chimney-ladder phases, (Mo/Rh) 11 Ge 18 and (Mo/Rh) 13 Ge 22 , found during investigations in the Mo/Rh/Ge system. The descriptions of the phases with conventional models (in I 42d (No. 122) with a 5.885(2) A, c 52.62(2) A for (Mo/Rh) 11 Ge 18 and a 5.922(1) A, c 62.88(4) A for (Mo/Rh) 13 Ge 22 ) led to high numbers of unobserved reflections, high parameter/reflection ratios and an unstable refinement in the case of (Mo/Rh) 13 Ge 22 . Microscopy studies showed that the phases were in fact incommensurately modulated. Therefore, a composite model consisting of a rather stable diamond-like transition-metal substructure and a helical main-group-metal arrangement was developed. For the refinement of both phases, (Mo/Rh) 11 Ge 18 as well as (Mo/Rh) 13 Ge 22 , the same model ± ± same space group pair (W : P4=nnc : q 1q1 P : I4 1 /amd : 1 1ss), same atom positions and modulation waves ± ± was used. The refinements converged rapidly, showing that the presented structure model is very general, and may well be applicable to any Nowotny chimney-ladder phase.