We have studied the binding of two inhibitor molecules, imidazole and 1 ,lo-phenanthroline, to liver alcohol dehydrogenase by crystallographic methods. X-ray data for the imidazole complex were collected to 0.29-nm resolution and for the 1,lO-phenanthroline complex to 0.45-nm resolution. In both cases we found only one peak in the difference electron density maps close to the active zinc atom. The peak corresponding to 1,lO-phenanthroline overlaps the site of the density of the zinc-bound water in the apoenzyme and the imidazole density partly overlaps this density. We can not discern any additional peaks close to the zinc atom which would correspond to new positions of bound water. We thus conclude that both these inhibitors bind to the catalytic zinc atom and that upon binding they displace the water molecule that is firmly bound to this zinc atom in the apoenzyme. We do not see any structural changes in the remaining part of the molecule.The three-dimensional structure of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase is known to high resolution [l]. It is thus now possible to try to elucidate the mechanism of action of this enzyme by crystallographic studies of the binding of suitably chosen inhibitor molecules for both coenzyme and substrates. Details of coenzyme binding have been deduced in this way in several studies using both coenzyme analogues [2 -41, which bind isomorphously to the orthorhombic apoenzyme structure, and a combination of NADH and inhibitor [5], which produces triclinic holoenzyme crystals. These studies confirmed earlier observations [6,7] that the zinc atom, which is necessary for catalytic action, is not directly involved in coenzyme binding. We here report studies of complexes with inhibitor molecules that bind directly to the catalytically active zinc atoms and thus in all probability define the binding areas of substrate molecules. Two such complexes have been studied using the inhibitor molecules 1 ,lo-phenanthroline and imidazole.It towards both coenzyme and substrate but a careful analysis [13,14] demonstrated that this kinetic behaviour could be attributed solely to the formation of an inactive binary enzyme . 1,lO-phenanthroline complex. Using double difference spectrophotometry Yonetani [15,16] could show that this large inhibitor molecule competed with the nicotinamide moiety of the coenzyme and demonstrated the existence of a ternary complex between enzyme, ADP-ribose and 1,lO-phenanthroline. Further solution evidence that this inhibitor binds in the substrate and nicotinamide binding areas has been provided by Sigman [17], who has shown competition between binding of the similar inhibitor 2,2-bipyridine and substrate molecules.Imidazole shows a different inhibition pattern. Theorell and McKinley McKee [18,19] have demonstrated the existence not only of a binary enzyme . imidazole complex but also of inactive ternary complexes with both oxidized and reduced coenzyme. Furthermore they have also shown [18] that imidazole abolishes the pH dependence of NAD+ binding, and thus interferes...