The article examines the manifestations of the intensity of the semantic sensory abilities of different types of modality: tactile, auditory, taste, olfactory and visual, defined as mental properties related to the productivity of semantic processes, in older teens of different sexes. The study involved 99 schoolchildren at the age of 15 years. Methodological basis of the study was the method "Modified version of the method "Semantic differential ". The results of the study did not reveal significant differences in the degree of manifestation of sensory semantic abilities of the taste type in adolescents. Probably, such basic cognitive components of thinking as semantic abilities are so low-grade that differences between representatives of different sex are insignificant. These results emphasize both the theoretical and practical novelty of the proposed approach in view of a number of factors: 1)a new method for diagnosing semantic sensory abilities; 2)studying the regression of semantic sensory abilities as a variant of mental development and adaptive behaviour; 3)data on the absence of differences in the degree of expression of sensory semantic abilities of all types of modality in older adolescents. The established facts improve our understanding of the most basic, low-differentiated component of the conceptual experience-semantic abilities and one of its manifestations-sensory sensations, directing factors of heterogeneity in the semantic constructions of older adolescents to research. In addition, a special significance is the study of manifestations of semantic sensory sensitivity in other age periods, allowing revealing the temporal dynamics of development of this component of conceptual experience.