Dedicated to the memory of Batool Bagheri, the founder of mathematics house of Kerman.Abstract. Let Mn,m be the set of all n × m real matrices. An n × m matrix R = [r ij ] is g-row stochastic if m k=1 r ik is equal to 1 for all i (1 ≤ i ≤ n). Let X, Y ∈ Mn,m. The matrix X is said to be gut-majorized by Y (denoted by X ≺gut Y ), if there exists an n × n upper triangular g-row stochastic matrix R such that X = RY . Recall that a linear function T : Mn,m → Mn,m preserves (or strongly preserves) a relation ∼, if T X ∼ T Y whenever X ∼ Y (or T X ∼ T Y if and only if X ∼ Y ). The present papers establishes some facts about ≺gut on Mn,m, and characterizes the structure of all (strong) linear preservers of ≺gut on R n and strong linear preservers of ≺gut on Mn,m.