Introduction. Health is a resource for a mindful life of a human being. There are various health-related actions associated with maintaining of the health. Their implementation requires appropriate efforts related to motivation. The hypothesis of the study is the fact that functional abilities of a human being is significantly related to the level of his motivation for health.
The aim is to determine the level of motivation for health in patients and healthy people and to investigate its relationship with biodemographic and anthropometric parameters and the functional state of the cardio-respiratory system.
Material and methods. 577 healthy people and patients. There were 353 patients (61.18%) suffering from chronic diseases, and 224 (38.82%) healthy people (students). There were 317 men (54.94%) and 260 (45.06%) women. The average age of the examined people was (M ± S) 34.95 ± 17.71 years. Height and body weight were measured. The functional state of the cardio-respiratory system was assessed by integral indicators: adaptive potential of the circulatory system, level of physical condition, vital index, Skibinski index, Kerdo index, hand grip strength index. Health motivation was studied using a short questionnaire to determine locus control. The results of the survey were scaled into 4 levels of motivation: very low, low, medium and high.
Results. Among the examined patients and healthy people the medium level of
motivation for health prevailed – 55.11% (318/577), then was high level by the quantity of detected cases – 38.65% (223/577) and low level – 6.24% (36/577). Healthy people were dominated by a high level of motivation – 53.13% (119/224), and patients – by medium level: 62.04% (219/353). It is revealed that young people have a high level of motivation, and elderly people – low and medium levels of motivation. People with a body weight of less than 60 kg are characterized by a high level, and people with a body weight of 100 kg and more – a medium level of motivation. The predominance of a high level of motivation with satisfactory adaptive potential, a high level of physical condition, full compliance of respiratory function with body weight, as well as the predominance of a high level of motivation in people with above average and high relative hand grip strength was determined.
Conclusions. A high level of motivation for health prevails in healthy people, and a low level – in patients. There is a significant relationship between motivation for health and age, body weight, its functionality (the state of the cardio-respiratory system).