“…An established procedure for the isolation of porin from Rhodebatter capsulatus st ram 37b4 had given rise to crystals diffracting to a medium resolution of about 2,8 A [3,16], the structure of which had Correspondettce address: G,E, Schulz, Institut ffir Organisclle Chemic und Biochemie, Albertstr, 21, D.7800 Freiburg i,Br,, Germany been solved at low [20] and then at medium resolution [Itq. This crystal form is now c~dled 'form-A', By modifylnil the purification procedure [21 ], in particular by dis pensing with EDTA anti replactnl~ SDS by N,N.dimelhyl.dodecylaminoxide (LDAO), we could 8row the new crystal 'form.B' that diffracts to 1,8 ~ resolution [19].…”