The mass spectra of a number of Lycofiodium alkaloids are recorded and schemes proposed for their fragmentation. The loss of the bridge dominates the fragmentation process in the structural types examined.The Lycopodium alkaloids have been the subject of many studies in the past few years, but there are still many alkaloids of unknown constitution. Those alkaloids whose structures have been elucidated are, for the most part, the most abundant while those whose structure still await solution have been found in smaller quantity. The mass spectrometric method, which has been used in many recent investigations, is particularly well suited to structural studies on substances available in small a m o~n t .~ I t was of interest, therefore, to record the spectra of the Lycopodium alkaloids of known structure and t o study their fragmentation in order that the information so obtained might be applied t o the study of those alkaloids whose structures are yet unresolved and to those alkaloids yet to be isolated.The Lycopodium alkaloids which are now known may be conveniently classified for the purposes of this discussion into four groups: those related in skeletal structure to lycopodine ( 2 ) , by far the largest group; those related in skeletal structure to lycodine (3, 4),