We apply modern synchrotron-based structural techniques to the study of serine adsorbed on the pure and Aumodified intrinsically chiral Cu{531} surface. XPS and NEXAFS data in combination with DFT show that on the pure surface both enantiomers adsorb in l 4 geometries (with de-protonated b-OH groups) at low coverage and in l 3 geometries at saturation coverage. Significantly larger enantiomeric differences are seen for the l 4 geometries, which involve substrate bonds of three side groups of the chiral center, i.e. a three-point interaction. The l 3 adsorption geometry, where only the carboxylate and amino groups form substrate bonds, leads to smaller but still significant enantiomeric differences, both in geometry and the decomposition behavior. When Cu{531} is modified by the deposition of 1 and 2 ML Au the orientations of serine at saturation coverage are significantly different from those on the clean surface. In all cases, however, a l 3 bond coordination is found at saturation involving different numbers of Au atoms, which leads to relatively small enantiomeric differences.