Emanation thermal analysis (ETA), thermogravimetry and high temperature XRD were used to characterize the thermal behavior during dehydration of natural Na The decrease of the radon release rate (∆E) determined by ETA that characterized microstructure changes due to collapse of interlayer space corresponded well to differences in the c-axis basal spacing (∆d 001 ) values determined from the XRD patterns before and after samples dehydration .*corresponding author: bal@ujv.cz 2 Key words: Na-montmorillonite saturated with various cations ,emanation thermal analysis, XRD, thermogravimetry , microstructure changes , dehydration
1.IntroductionIn order to understand the environmental behaviour of monmorillonite clay minerals their dehydration and dehydroxylation on heating has been studied by several authors [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. It was found that differences in the montmorillonite dehydration are due to a more or less strong ) the ion is more important that the interlayer surface, but for larger divalent cations as well as for monovalent cations the influence of the layered surface on the hydration is dominant. Glasser et al. [7] showed that polyvalent ions tend to detach themselves from the silicate surface and incorporate in the water layers. They stated that the complete loss of the interlayer water is accompanied by a reduction in the c-axis dimensions (to 9.4-10 Å) with exact value depending on the size of interlamellar ions.In this study thermogravimetry , emanation thermal analysis and high temperature X-ray diffraction methods were used to characterize the thermal behavior during dehydration of natural Na montmorillonite and homoionic montmorillonite samples prepared
SamplesNatural Na-montmorillonite (Upton, Wyoming, USA) was used as a starting material. ,respectively , were prepared from Na-montmorillonite sample as follows: the amount of 10 g of the Na-montmorillonite was mixed with 800 ml of water and stirred during two days.After decantation 0.2 M chloride solution (200 ml) of the respective cation was added. The suspension was stirred for two days, several times washed by distilled water until the negative reaction for chlorides (using Ag + ions). The samples prepared by this way were dried at the temperature of 40 °C in air .
MethodsEmanation thermal analysis (ETA) measurements were carried out by using a modified NETZSCH Equipment Type DTA 404. The samples were heated at the rate of 6 K/min in a constant air flow of 75 ml/min. Samples for ETA measurements were labeled by a analysis as a less common method are given elsewhere [8 ,9]. TG /DTG measurements were carried out by using NETZSCH Equipment Type STA 429 on heating at 6 K/min in air.XRD equipment (PHILIPS PW 1050/25) using Cu K α Ni-filtered radiation and equipped with a high temperature chamber was applied to obtain XRD patterns and to determine c-axis basal spacings (d 001 ).
Results and discussionThermogravimetry results (TG /DTG curves) of Na-montmotillonite and homoionic montmorillonite samples saturated with Mg The tem...