The article addresses to the problems of contamination by heavy metals of herbal substances in Voronezh Oblast, Russia. The object of the study was Tanacetum Vulgare gathered in urban and agro-ecosystems exposed to anthropogenic impact. The research was conducted by atomic absorption spectrophotometric method, using the MGA-915MD atomic absorption spectrometer in accordance with pharmacopoeia method. The study gave consideration to 51 samples of Tanacetum Vulgare contaminated by heavy met-als (plumbum, mercury, cadmium, nickel, copper, zinc, cobalt, chromium) and arsenic. All samples meet the existing requirements, specified in reference documentation, in regards to norms of con-tained heavy metals (plumbum, cadmium, mercury) and aresnic. Comparing the data on the con-tent of heavy metals in top soil of the region and the content of these elements in Tanacetum Vulgare blossoms, it can be argued that there exist some substantial physiological barriers preventing the plants from accumulation of ecotoxicants in their reproductive organs. It is most noticeable for such elements as plumbum, mercury, cadmium, cobalt and chromium. It appears that Tanacetum Vulgare is able to selectively absorb some heavy metals that penetrate into zymophore (e.g., copper and zinc) provided that their environmental content is below vital level. On the contrary, when the content of such elements in top soil was consider-able, the plant blocked physiologically their penetration into the blossoms. Thereunder, it is fair to assume for Tanacetum Vulgare that, as a result of technological impact, the edaphotype forms and adapts to such environmental conditions. Tanacetum Vulgare blossoms accumulate toxic elements from top soil inconsiderably, which is important for procurement planning and assessment of herbal substances quality.