The intention with this volume is to provide a format for scholars to express their personal viewpoints and tell their story in response to the same set of questions (see Preface). Unlike many edited volumes, this book is therefore not divided into thematic sections. The aim of this introduction is to summarize core common themes among the contributor's chapters so as to guide readers interested in specific topics. Given the richness of the contributions that touch upon many diverse topics in response to the posed questions, I have not summarized each contribution separately. Rather, I focus on core questions and highlight where more information on common themes and novel insights can be found. I also hope that the introduction will provide some background for scientists, philosophers as well as other readers interested in discussing the philosophical implications of systems biology.
What is systems biology?Broadly understood, systems biology aims to capture the dynamic complexity of living systems through the combination of mathematical, computational and experimental strategies (Kitano 2001). One overarching research question is how biological function emerges from the interactions of processes whose dynamics are nonlinear and constrained by the organization of the system as a whole (cf. Wolkenhauer, Chapter 24). Research in systems biology is driven by complex problems requiring interdisciplinary solutions, but there are different views on the most significant methods, values and aims of systems biology. Some scholars emphasize computational integration of big data from multiple sources as a characteristic feature of systems biology (Aderem 2005), whereas others stress that systems biology is a merger of systems theory with biology (Wolkenhauer and Mesarović 2005). Differences in theoretical and methodological standpoints are sometimes characterized by the differences between pragmatic and systems-theoretical systems biology: the former sees systems biology as a straightforward extension of genomics and molecular biology and the latter highlights the need for a formal systems theory of living systems (O'Malley and Dupré, 2005, for further reflections see Boogerd et al. 2007). In both cases, however, researchers must navigate in what Nersessian (Chapter 20) calls an adaptive problem space where knowledge and methods are continuously reconfigured and combined into new hybrid methods, concepts, and models. The combination of theoretical reflection and technologically mediated methodological innovations make systems biology particularly intriguing from a philosophical perspective.It is debatable whether systems biology brings something radically new to the life sciences. Systems biology has been described in terms as different as a new 'holistic paradigm' or 'revolution' in biology to being merely a 'buzzword' used for funding purposes (Kastenhofer 2013b). It is difficult to point to radical historical shifts or 'revolutions', but systems biology develops in a unique historical and technological context offering ...