Background: Communist formation introduced Marxist’s non-falsifiable anthropocentric theory for ideology and discourse. The form of communication sustaining torture has been noticed in the Chinese indoctrination both in education and mass communication. The research adopted scientific methods in observation to the Marxist structuralism with psychoanalysis of dominance in power-incentivized structuralism. Aim: With the global authoritarian drawbacks and emergence of dictatorship in the structural realist powers, the psychopathology of modern & contemporary cyber-based informatics penetrations with nuclear threat semantics is impacting global mental & psychological health, and especially for the LGBTQIA+ individuals. The research aims to mitigate the harms that transgress the Geneva Conventions and against the spirit of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Methods: The research adopted a media analysis approach to the sexological elements in anthropological and sociological developments. It focuses on the derivatives of Oedipus Complex with relation to death wish that impact the LGBTQIA+ suicidal ideations in the structured cybercrimes, with a Gestalt psychoanalysis in informatics. The research conceived a somatic method in media psychology counteracting the media-based extension of gender & sexuality castes. Results: The Bell curve of memory were retrieved on the fundamental hypothesis of LGBTQIA+ stigmatization with new combinations in power structure, cosmological, and anthropological consciousness re-combinations. The multilateral dictatorial semantic spread in the cyber-information domains through the monopolization of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was conceptualized as a structural source of dictatorial psychopathology epidemiology with artificial intelligence (AI). Military cyber psychological warfare spillover in the civil economy is recognized to be the source of global mental & psychological disparities, possibly the contributing factor for LGBTQIA+ suicidal ideation, and derogation of human security